Gina Guddat



Find out today if you are

Ready for a Real Relationship!

Quick Free Quiz

To attract the right life partner, and ensure the success and happiness of your next relationship, take this Quick Course to Get Ready for a Real Relationship!

1. Do you know what you have to offer a partner?

Can you easily describe your best qualities, attributes, personality type, hobbies, and talents?


2. Are you “Over” your Ex?

Have you tied up loose ends and closed your last chapter with all ex-partners?


3. Do you truly know what you are looking for in a partner?

Are you clear about your “must haves” in a relationship and any deal-breakers you feel strongly about?


4. Can you take care of yourself?

Can you live independently or are you still dependent on someone else for housing, money, or resources?

5. Are you free of any circumstance or situation that may block you from being in a relationship?


Are you fully available and stable mentally, physically, and emotionally and have the time and flexibility in your schedule for a relationship?