Gina Guddat


Transform your relationship from the comfort of your own home!

Take one of these self-paced courses and achieve a deeper connection with your partner.

Each Course includes:

    • 8-10 Modules
    • Step-by-step training videos
    • Exercises to complete
    • Lesson summaries
    • Lifetime access to the materials

When you enroll you will get full access to your course!

At a cost of less than 2 therapy sessions, turn your relationship around!

$275 per course

Discount code gets you 10% OFF

You can transform your relationship from the comfort of your own home for only $275.

Sign-up today. Work through the modules at any rate or pace that fits your life.

Discernment Course for Couples

Too Bad to Stay or Too Good to Leave?

This Discernment Course aims to assist couples in achieving clarity and certainty as they navigate the decision-making process regarding the future of their relationship. One person may have a foot out the door, not convinced the partnership will last. The other may be “leaning in” and interested in rebuilding their relationship in a fresh new way seeing more hope for a future together.

Topics include:
    1. Analyzing the health and history of the relationship
    2. Identifying the key issues that have caused hurt or harm in the relationship
    3. Evaluating areas of conflict and whether they can be addressed and prevented in the future
    4. Discussing the willingness and capability for changes
    5. Considering reconciliation and a “restart” through couples intensive therapy.
    6. Considering separation or divorce as an option
Designed for:
    • People who have been in a committed relationship
    • Marriages
    • Engaged couples
    • Straight or LGBTQ
Goal: This course helps you identify the issues in your relationship and evaluate if they are solvable.

Premarital Course for Couples

Prepare yourself for the most fulfilling marriage and life together you’ve ever imagined.

With over half of all marriages ending in divorce, it’s imperative to establish a strong foundation. The course lays the groundwork for a successful and loving partnership before the wedding ceremony and the marriage begins. Live your dreams and let the romance begin!

Topics include:
    1. Understanding the history of the partnership
    2. Assessing strengths and weaknesses
    3. Establishing healthy boundaries
    4. Learning conflict resolution tools
    5. Defining roles and responsibilities
    6. Addressing budgeting basics
    7. Discussing family planning and children
    8. Building trust, safety and security through accountability
    9. Creating shared experiences
    10. Discussing goals and future vision
Designed for:
    • All ages
    • First marriages
    • Second and third marriages
    • Widows/widowers
    • Blended families
    • Straight or LGBT

Goal: This course aims to ensure your marriage is set up for success and that you experience the most fulfilling relationship possible.

people, holding hands, sunset-2561053.jpg

Couples in Crisis Course

Can we recover from this? What do we do next?

Have you discovered that your partner is having an affair or struggling with gambling, drinking, drugs, or sexual addiction? Have you struggled with infertility, miscarriage, or loss of a child? Has parenting or illness taken a toll on your partnership? Are you managing elderly or sick parents? Are you experiencing emotional and mental stress?
Whether your relationship has suffered a major unexpected blow or been worn down little by little over a long period, you’re at the point of a critical crisis. When emotions are running high, it can be difficult to see your way through the roller coaster of feelings and facts.
The “Couples in Crisis Course” will help you assess your relationship and evaluate the appropriate next steps. You will work through past wounds, acknowledge dysfunctional or destructive patterns, and better communicate your thoughts and feelings. Working through these modules teaches you how to set healthy boundaries, establish new goals together, and rebuild the trust, safety, and security you need for a loving relationship.

Topics Include:

      1. Evaluate the health of the relationship
      2. Understand the history of the partnership
      3. Assessing strengths and weaknesses
      4. Identifying hurts, harm, and raw spots
      5. Clearing past infractions
      6. Establishing new, healthy boundaries
      7. Rebuilding trust, safety, and security through accountability
      8. Making happy, healthy memories through shared experience
      9. Creating new goals and a vision

Designed For:

• Infidelity or Betrayal
• Emotional Disconnection
• Destructive Patterns
• Addictions
• Broken Trust
• Emotional Abuse
• Narcissism
• Parenting Issues
• Straight or LGBTQ Couples

This course takes you through a step-by-step process, uncovering unhealthy patterns that lead to a crisis. Discover hope and healing while you learn tools for a more fulfilling relationship.

FREE 5Question Quiz

Are you Ready for a Relationship?

What are your chances of finding the love of your life this year?  This Quiz will rate how prepared you are for the most important relationship of your life. The 5 Key Questionsreveal your Readiness for a Real Relationship.

Get Ready for a Real Relationship Course

Are you Dateable?

Are you a good catch? Many people launch into dating without really being ready. This Quick 5-lesson Course helps you attract the right life partner and ensure the success and happiness of your next relationship.

Topics Include:
  1. Discover what YOU have to offer in a relationship.
  2. Learn what you are truly looking for
  3. Clear past Exes from your life
  4. Make sure that you can take care of yourself
  5. Address any situation or circumstance that may impede you from being fully available

Designed for: Anyone single

Goal: This course prepares you for a quality, long-term committed relationship. Complete this Quick Course and…Get Verified! Use our Love icon on your Profile or Dating Site to show you have done the work to be Ready for a Relationship.

Communication 101 Course for Couples

Conscious Uncoupling